Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Big City Lyfe,

Last night Mike and i checked out the big city life from various site seeing spots and as always the camera just doesnt do it justice so i wont put any on but the city just looked so beautiful!
We chowed down some food at the resturant 'Bravo'! My pasta dish rocked & for an entree size it was huge!

May i just add that the temperature here has dropped 12 degrees since our last 42 degree heat lol brrrrr.
Eyes on the road Mike,
Big Statue men lol


Just another Triffitt Family said...

Hi miss Dee, is this fun Mr Water ski?? You'll have to post a pic of Mr $$ bags 2, hehe;) And any other suspicious looking gentlemen that take you out. As chief sis in law I need to suss out possible bro in law material, hehe, just joking:) Did you see Will's teeth?? I think he has 2 top ones coming.
Dont get up to too much mischief without me:)xxx

Cas and Jared said...

You added me! Yay
Hmmm.. Are you dating Em? I thought you were waiting for that special boy to come home?
Cas xo

Cas and Jared said...

I completly understand 2 years is a long time, who know's you might find your soul mate while his away which is sad for him... But you know!
Well the scret to cutting your hair is... there isn't one i just chop away, I guess I can't see the back of my head, so who know's it might be really bad, Jared said it looked alright though! Hahaha, so hopefully he wasn't lying...

I love cooking! I love trying new things and making up recipes! It's a good thing Jared likes them too!

Cas ox